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Rebuildable CNC Machine Tool
Presetter / setter

  • • Stainless steel construction
  • • No delicate electronic components to short out
  • • Unbreakable carbide for touch off
  • • The only assembled in the USA, patented product on the market
  • • CNC Tool Setter
  • • CNC Tool Probe
  • • CNC Parts
For CNC Machines with Square Mounting Flange
For CNC Machines with Round Mounting Flange

CNC Touch Sensor

Evolution of CNC Touch Sensor Technology

The Importance of CNC Touch Sensor

In the world of CNC machining, precision is not just a requirement; it’s the bedrock upon which quality and efficiency rest. This is where the adept technology of the CNC Touch Sensor comes into play. At Touch Master, we’ve seen firsthand how these sensors revolutionize the way CNC machines operate, making Tool Eyes an indispensable part of modern machining processes. The CNC Touch Sensor enhances both the accuracy and the speed of machining operations, ensuring that every product meets stringent quality standards.

Evolution of CNC Touch Sensor Technology

Over the past 25 years, we have witnessed a significant transformation in CNC Touch Sensor technology. Initially, these sensors were seen as a luxury, but as manufacturing demands have increased, they have become a necessity. The evolution from basic models to the sophisticated designs we offer today, like the LS-05 and SL-04, showcases our commitment to innovation. Our Touch Sensors, developed and manufactured by a dedicated American labor force, stand as a testament to this evolution, offering unmatched durability and reliability.

How CNC Touch Sensor Enhances Machining Accuracy

The role of the CNC Touch Sensor in enhancing machining accuracy cannot be overstated. The sensor’s ability to precisely detect the tool’s position in real-time allows for adjustments on-the-fly, significantly reducing error margins. This aspect of the technology ensures that each workpiece is machined with the utmost accuracy, leading to consistent, high-quality output. Our clients have consistently reported improvements in their machining processes, citing the precision and reliability of our Tool Eyes.

Unique Benefits of Tool Eye CNC Touch Sensors

Among the myriad of benefits that our CNC Touch Sensors provide, a few stand out. Firstly, their robust stainless steel construction and unbreakable carbide touch-off points set them apart in both durability and lifespan. Secondly, the fact that they are rebuildable speaks volumes about their long-term value. Our clients have often expressed their appreciation for this feature, as it allows for quick and cost-effective repairs, ensuring minimal downtime.

Choosing the Right CNC Touch Sensor for Your Needs

Choosing the appropriate CNC Touch Sensor for your machine can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. The key is to understand the specific requirements of your machining processes. For newer CNC machines, our LS-05 model offers cutting-edge features that can significantly boost productivity and precision. For older models, the SL-04 provides a perfect blend of reliability and affordability, without compromising on quality.

Installation and Maintenance

Installation of our CNC Touch Sensors is a straightforward process, designed to be user-friendly and quick. This ease of setup ensures that your operations can continue with minimal interruption. Maintenance is equally effortless, thanks to the rebuildable nature of our products. We provide comprehensive support and guidance, ensuring that your Tool Eyes remain in optimal condition for years to come.

Real-world Applications and Success Stories

Our CNC Touch Sensors have found applications across a broad spectrum of industries, from aerospace to automotive manufacturing. One success story that stands out involves a client in the automotive sector who was struggling with consistency in part production. After integrating our CNC Touch Sensor into their machining process, they witnessed a dramatic improvement in both precision and efficiency, leading to a significant reduction in waste and an increase in customer satisfaction.

FAQ About CNC Touch Sensor

What Makes Tool Eye CNC Touch Sensors Different?

The difference lies in our commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. Our sensors are not only designed and made in the USA but also come with optional lifetime warranties, ensuring peace of mind for our clients. Their rebuildable nature and our commitment to swift, cost-effective repairs set us apart in the market.

How Can I Order a CNC Touch Sensor?

Ordering from Touch Master is as simple as it gets. You can reach out to us seven days a week to place your order or inquire about our products. Orders placed before 4:30 pm CST are shipped the same day, ensuring that you receive your Tool Eye promptly, without any unnecessary delays.

The Future of CNC Machining and Touch Sensor Technology

The future of CNC machining looks bright, with CNC Touch Sensor technology playing a pivotal role. As we look ahead, our focus remains on pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, ensuring our clients have access to the most advanced, reliable, and efficient Tool Eyes on the market. With the ongoing advancements in CNC technology, the importance of precision tools like the CNC Touch Sensor will only grow, making them an indispensable component of the machining process.

We at Touch Master are excited to be at the forefront of this innovation, continuing to support the manufacturing industry with our high-quality, made-in-the-USA products.

Installation and Maintenance

What is a CNC touch probe?

A CNC touch probe is essentially the eyes of a CNC machine, allowing it to “see” and precisely measure the position of a workpiece or tool on the machine bed. Here at Touch Master., we liken it to giving your CNC machine a sense of touch. Our touch probes use advanced technology to detect very slight contacts with the workpiece, enabling the machine to perform tasks with incredible accuracy. Imagine trying to drill a hole in the exact center of a piece of metal without knowing where the edges are; that’s the problem a CNC touch probe solves. It’s about enhancing the machine’s capabilities to ensure every cut, drill, or measurement is exactly right, every time.

Which sensor is used in a CNC machine?

In CNC machines, various sensors are utilized, but the CNC touch sensor stands out for its role in precision machining. This sensor, a hallmark of our product range at Touch Master., detects the exact position of the machining tool in relation to the workpiece. By using a combination of mechanical and electronic components, our touch sensors enable CNC machines to execute incredibly precise operations. These sensors are pivotal in automating the calibration process, ensuring that the tool’s path is perfectly aligned with the machining requirements. It’s like having an expert watch over every cut, ensuring everything is just right.

What is the working principle of touch trigger probe?

The working principle of a touch trigger probe, a type of CNC touch sensor, is fascinating. It operates on the premise of detecting a physical contact with the surface of the workpiece and then sending this signal back to the control system of the CNC machine. Once contact is made, the probe’s position is recorded, and from this data, the machine calculates the precise location of the workpiece. This information is critical for adjusting the machining process in real-time for unparalleled accuracy. It’s a bit like playing a highly sophisticated game of “tag” where the goal is to know exactly where the tool and workpiece are at all times.

What is an AZ probe?

An AZ probe is a specialized type of CNC touch probe designed for high-accuracy applications. In the context of what we do at Touch Master., it represents the pinnacle of precision measurement technology. This probe is meticulously engineered to offer exceptional repeatability and reliability under a variety of conditions. It’s ideal for tasks that require an extra level of precision, such as intricate milling or complex part verification. Think of it as the elite athlete of our product lineup–built to perform with precision in every operation.

How do CNC touch sensors adapt to various operating environments?

Adaptability is a key feature of our CNC touch sensors. These devices are designed to operate effectively across a wide range of conditions. For instance, the robust stainless steel construction and unbreakable carbide of our touch-offs ensure durability and longevity, even in the harshest industrial environments. Furthermore, our sensors are capable of dynamic adjustments based on the material being machined, the speed of operation, and the specific requirements of the task at hand. It’s akin to having a chameleon in your toolkit; ready to adapt and perform no matter the surroundings. This adaptability not only extends the life of our sensors but also enhances the versatility of the CNC machines they’re paired with.


Tool Eye, Inc.

1825 W Grand St

Springfield MO 65802 US

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