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Rebuildable CNC Machine Tool
Presetter / setter

  • • Stainless steel construction
  • • No delicate electronic components to short out
  • • Unbreakable carbide for touch off
  • • The only assembled in the USA, patented product on the market
  • • CNC Tool Setter
  • • CNC Tool Probe
  • • CNC Parts
For CNC Machines with Square Mounting Flange
For CNC Machines with Round Mounting Flange

CNC Tool Setter

Innovations in CNC Tool Setting

The Importance of a CNC Tool Setter

At Touch Master, we’ve seen firsthand how crucial a CNC Tool Setter is to the precision machining process. This device, integral to CNC machines, ensures tools are set accurately for each job, minimizing errors, and maximizing efficiency. Our dedication to providing high-quality CNC Tool Setters stems from a clear understanding of their pivotal role in the manufacturing industry. By offering tools that reduce setup time, we help businesses improve their throughput and quality.

Personal Experience with CNC Tool Setters

In our 25 years of operation, we’ve gathered numerous insights into the effectiveness of CNC Tool Setters. One instance that stands out involves a client who experienced a significant reduction in scrap rates after integrating our Touch Probe into their CNC machine setup. This not only saved them valuable materials but also improved their overall productivity. This story is a testament to how the right tools can make a substantive difference in the machining process.

Innovations in CNC Tool Setting

The landscape of CNC Tool Setting is continuously evolving, with advancements designed to enhance precision and usability. At Touch Master, we pride ourselves on being at the forefront of these innovations. Our CNC Tool Setters, for instance, feature stainless steel construction and unbreakable carbide for touch-off–attributes that ensure longevity and reliability.

Unique Features of Our CNC Tool Setters

What sets our CNC Tool Setters apart is their rebuildable nature. Unlike most on the market, ours can be quickly repaired, often with same-day turnaround. This not only extends the lifespan of the product but also minimizes downtime for our clients, keeping their operations running smoothly.

Ease of Use and Installation

The design of our CNC Tool Setter is focused on user-friendliness. We understand that complexity can be a barrier to efficiency, which is why our products are designed for ease of installation and operation. Many of our clients have highlighted the straightforward nature of integrating our Tool Eyes into their existing setups, making for a seamless transition to more efficient operations.

Affordable Solutions Without Compromising Quality

One of the pillars of our business model at Touch Master is offering high-quality products at a fraction of the competitor’s costs. This is achievable due to our lean manufacturing processes and minimal overhead expenses. We believe in providing cost-effective solutions that do not compromise on quality, ensuring our clients receive the best value for their investment.

  • Rebuildable and durable design
  • Stainless steel construction
  • Unbreakable carbide touch-off point
  • Made in the USA
  • Optional lifetime warranties

Excellence in Customer Service

Our commitment to excellence extends beyond our products to our customer service. We’re available seven days a week to answer queries and take orders, ensuring our clients have the support they need when they need it. This level of dedication to customer care has been a cornerstone of our business, fostering long-term relationships with our clients.

Responsive Support and Advice

When challenges arise, our clients know they can count on us for prompt and effective support. Whether it’s troubleshooting a problem or offering advice on the best product for their needs, our team is always ready to assist. It’s this responsive and personalized service that sets us apart in the marketplace.

A Global Reach with Local Sensibility

While Touch Master is proud to be an American company, our products have found their way into over 50 countries worldwide. Our CNC Tool Setters are renowned for their reliability and affordability, making them a preferred choice for businesses across the globe. Despite our international reach, we maintain a local sensibility, treating every client with the personal attention they deserve.

International Success Stories

Among our success stories are clients from diverse industries and countries, each with unique challenges that were met with our CNC Tool Setter solutions. From automotive manufacturers in Germany to aerospace companies in Canada, our products have played a key role in enhancing productivity and precision on a global scale.

Unwavering Commitment to Quality

Quality is not just a buzzword at Touch Master; it’s the foundation of everything we do. From the materials we select to the craftsmanship of our assembly process, every step is taken with the utmost care to ensure we deliver superior products. Our customers’ satisfaction and feedback drive our continuous improvement, underscoring our commitment to excellence.

Reflecting on Excellence and Innovation

In reflecting on our journey, it’s clear that our commitment to providing high-quality CNC Tool Setters has made a significant impact on the machining industry. By focusing on innovation, customer service, and value, we have set a new standard in the field. Our goal moving forward is to continue pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, ensuring our clients have access to the best tools to meet their needs.

Our story is one of dedication, innovation, and unwavering commitment to our customers. It’s a testament to what can be achieved when you set your sights on excellence and refuse to settle for anything less. At Touch Master, we’re not just providing tools; we’re offering solutions that drive success.

Excellence in Customer Service

What does a CNC tool setter do?

At Touch Master, we often describe a CNC tool setter as the unsung hero of precision machining. Essentially, a CNC tool setter determines the precise position of tools in the machine spindle, ensuring that each tool’s offset is correctly programmed into the CNC machine. This accuracy is crucial as it directly influences the quality of the final product. For instance, imagine you’re tasked with creating a complex component with very tight tolerances. Without the exact measurements provided by a tool setter, achieving the required precision would be akin to finding your way in the dark. It’s the precision and reliability that a tool setter brings to the table that really helps in minimizing errors and enhancing productivity. Have you ever wondered how much a slight miscalculation could affect the outcome of a part?

What is a CNC machine setter?

A CNC machine setter is a professional responsible for preparing CNC machines for production. This role involves configuring the machine with the correct tools, setting those tools at the precise height and position, and ensuring the machine’s programming aligns with the specific job requirements. At Touch Master, we’ve interacted with many CNC machine setters who share stories of the critical balance between speed and accuracy in their work. One memorable tale involved a tight deadline for a high-profile automotive part; the setter’s ability to efficiently prepare the machine made all the difference in meeting the client’s deadline without compromising on quality. This story highlights the pivotal role setters play in the manufacturing process, bridging the gap between raw materials and finished products. How does the efficiency of a CNC machine setter impact the overall production timeline in your experience?

What is the tool setter button?

The tool setter button on a CNC machine is a key component in the tool setting process. Activating this button initiates the sequence where the machine measures the tool’s length and diameter, using either a touch probe or a pre-determined setting method. At Touch Master, we emphasize the importance of this functionality to our clients, illustrating how it contributes to reducing setup times and enhancing operational efficiency. For example, during one of our demonstrations, pressing the tool setter button illustrated to our client how swiftly a machine could be calibrated, transforming a skeptical observer into a believer in the power of technology to streamline operations. Have you encountered any misconceptions about the tool setter button’s role in the machining process?

What is the job description of a tool setter?

The job description of a tool setter encompasses managing and operating CNC machines to ensure tools are set correctly, which includes selecting the appropriate tools, measuring and adjusting tool parameters, and testing machine settings to verify accuracy before full-scale production begins. At Touch Master, we’ve seen firsthand how the expertise of a skilled tool setter can significantly reduce waste and increase productivity. For example, a tool setter’s keen eye for detail and deep understanding of machining dynamics once turned a problematic production line into a model of efficiency, simply by adjusting tool offsets that had been overlooked. This highlights the critical thinking and problem-solving skills essential for the role. What innovative solutions have you seen a tool setter implement to improve operations?

How do CNC tool setters impact production efficiency?

In our experience at Touch Master, CNC tool setters play a pivotal role in enhancing production efficiency. By ensuring tools are precisely calibrated before starting a job, they significantly reduce the risk of errors that could lead to rework or scrap. Additionally, a well-set tool minimizes wear and tear on the machine, extending its lifespan and reducing downtime for maintenance. We’ve observed cases where integrating our advanced tool setters reduced setup times by up to 50%, a substantial increase in operational throughput. The impact of such efficiency gains is profound, allowing shops to take on more work and improve their bottom line. How might integrating advanced tool setting technology impact your production schedules?

What makes Touch Master’s CNC tool setters stand out?

What truly sets our CNC tool setters apart is their combination of durability, precision, and ease of repair. Unlike many competitors, our products are designed with the end user in mind – manufactured from high-quality materials like stainless steel and featuring unbreakable carbide touch-off points. Furthermore, our commitment to innovation means we’re always seeking ways to enhance our products, whether it’s through offering rebuildable models or ensuring same-day turnaround for repairs. This focus on quality and customer satisfaction has made our tool setters a favorite among industries requiring the highest levels of precision and reliability. Considering the evolving demands of precision machining, how important is it for you to have equipment that combines innovation with durability?


  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) – NIST provides resources and guidelines for precision machining, including information on CNC tool setting.
  • MachiningCloud – MachiningCloud offers a comprehensive resource for CNC tool data, including tool setter information and updates.
  • Manufacturing Tomorrow – An online publication covering the latest innovations in manufacturing technology, including CNC tool setting advancements.
  • DMG MORI – A leading manufacturer of CNC machines, providing insights and resources on CNC tool setting best practices.
  • Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) – SME offers educational resources and networking opportunities for professionals in the manufacturing industry, including CNC tool setting information.
Tool Eye, Inc.

1825 W Grand St

Springfield MO 65802 US

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