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Rebuildable CNC Machine Tool
Presetter / setter

  • • Stainless steel construction
  • • No delicate electronic components to short out
  • • Unbreakable carbide for touch off
  • • The only assembled in the USA, patented product on the market
  • • CNC Tool Setter
  • • CNC Tool Probe
  • • CNC Parts
For CNC Machines with Square Mounting Flange
For CNC Machines with Round Mounting Flange

CNC Tool Sensor

How CNC Tool Sensors Work

The Importance of CNC Tool Sensors

In the world of CNC machining, precision is the key to both quality and efficiency. CNC Tool Sensors play a critical role in this, ensuring tools are properly positioned for machining. Tool Eye, Inc, with over two decades of experience, specializes in providing CNC Tool Sensors that push the boundaries of accuracy and reliability.

Our CNC Tool Sensors, including models like the LS-05 and SL-04, stand out in the industry. They are designed with durability in mind, featuring stainless steel construction and unbreakable carbide for touch-off points. This robust design ensures they can withstand the demanding environment of CNC machining.

How CNC Tool Sensors Work

CNC Tool Sensors, or Tool Eyes as we often call them, are critical for automating the process of tool setting in CNC machines. By precisely detecting the tool’s position, these sensors allow for accurate machining without manual intervention. This automation not only boosts productivity but also drastically reduces the potential for human error.

The operation principle behind these sensors is relatively straightforward but highly effective. The sensor is triggered once the tool comes into contact with the touch-off point, sending an exact location to the CNC system. This automates the setup process, ensuring every cut is made with utmost precision.

Unique Features of ToolEye CNC Tool Sensors

Rebuildable Design

One of the distinguishing features of Tool Eye’s CNC Tool Sensors is their rebuildable nature. Unlike many products on the market, our sensors can be quickly and cost-effectively repaired. This not only extends the life of the sensor but ensures minimal downtime for our customers.

Made-in-USA Quality

Our commitment to quality is deeply rooted in our manufacturing process. Proudly made in the USA, our sensors are a testament to the craftsmanship of the American labor force. By controlling the production process domestically, we can ensure that each CNC Tool Sensor meets our rigorous standards for quality and performance.

Benefits of Using CNC Tool Sensors

The implementation of CNC Tool Sensors in manufacturing processes brings numerous advantages. Primarily, it leads to a significant reduction in setup time. By automating the tool setting process, tasks that once took hours can now be completed in minutes. Furthermore, the precision provided by these sensors minimizes waste, ensuring that each piece is machined accurately the first time.

Another critical benefit is the reduction of reliance on skilled labor for machine setup. While skilled workers are an invaluable asset, CNC Tool Sensors allow facilities to operate more independently. This is particularly beneficial in today’s market where skilled machinists are in high demand.

Choosing the Right CNC Tool Sensor

When selecting a CNC Tool Sensor, it’s essential to consider the specific needs of your CNC machines and manufacturing environment. Tool Eye offers a variety of models, including wireless options for enhanced flexibility and wired models for environments where reliability is paramount.

  • The LS-05 series is ideal for newer CNC machines, offering high precision and durability.
  • The SL-04 series is designed for older machines, providing an affordable way to enhance their functionality.
  • Wireless options, suited for dynamic environments where cables can be a hindrance.

Client Testimonials and Success Stories

Over the years, Tool Eye, Inc has helped countless companies revolutionize their manufacturing processes with our CNC Tool Sensors. From small shops to multinational corporations, our clients uniformly praise the precision and reliability of our products. Many have shared stories of significantly reduced setup times and decreased material waste, leading to improved efficiency and cost savings.

Our sensors have been deployed in a variety of industries, from automotive to aerospace, each with its unique challenges. Despite the diversity of applications, the feedback is consistently positive, highlighting the robustness and accuracy of our CNC Tool Sensors.

After-Sales Support and Services

At Tool Eye, Inc, we believe that sales are just the beginning of our relationship with our customers. We pride ourselves on providing exceptional after-sales support. Our team is available seven days a week to answer queries, troubleshoot issues, and assist with any challenges that may arise.

Should a Tool Eye product ever require repair, customers can rest assured knowing that our repair services are designed to be quick and cost-effective. With the capability for same-day turnaround on many repairs, we ensure your operations are back up and running with minimal downtime.

Future of CNC Tool Sensing Technology

The landscape of manufacturing is continually evolving, and with it, the technology for CNC Tool Sensing. At Tool Eye, Inc, we are committed to staying at the forefront of this evolution. Our ongoing research and development efforts aim to bring even greater levels of precision and usability to our products.

We envision a future where CNC Tool Sensors are not just tools for precision but also catalysts for innovation in manufacturing. By continuously improving and expanding our product line, we aim to empower manufacturers to reach new heights of efficiency and quality.

In conclusion, the journey of CNC Tool Sensor technology is an exciting path of growth and innovation. At Tool Eye, Inc, we are eager to continue leading the charge, providing our customers with the tools they need to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving industry. Whether you are looking to enhance the precision of your CNC machines, reduce setup times, or minimize material waste, our CNC Tool Sensors are designed to meet your needs.

Choosing the Right CNC Tool Sensor

What are the sensors in CNC?

Within the realm of CNC machinery, sensors play an indispensable role in enhancing accuracy, efficiency, and safety. In essence, CNC sensors are sophisticated devices engineered to measure and verify various parameters such as tool position, part dimensions, and environmental conditions. Our Tool Eyes, for example, specialize in tool setting and part measurement, enabling precise operations without manual intervention. It’s like having an extra set of eyes that never tire or err, ensuring operations are smooth and flawless. Have you ever wondered how a small device can significantly reduce production time and waste? That’s the power of precision at your fingertips.

What is the most common position sensor used in CNC machine?

The most ubiquitous position sensor in CNC machines has to be the linear encoder. This device translates the tool’s or table’s position into a digital signal the machine’s control system can understand, facilitating precise control over machining processes. It’s akin to giving your CNC machine a sixth sense, allowing it to know exactly where its components are at all times. This ensures that the intricacies of machining operations are executed with the utmost precision, paramount for achieving the desired quality and specifications of the final product. Ever marvel at how machines produce parts with tolerances tighter than a human hair? Linear encoders are a big part of that magic!

What is a CNC touch probe used for?

A CNC touch probe is a versatile device used predominantly for part inspection and tool positioning. Imagine being able to meticulously measure the dimensions of a part while it’s still clamped on the machine, or accurately setting the length and diameter of a tool without manual gauges. That’s exactly what a touch probe allows us to do. It streamlines operations, slashing setup times and significantly minimizing the chance for errors. Moreover, in an industry where precision is non-negotiable, the touch probe ensures that the final product meets strict quality standards. Have you ever thought about the intricacies of producing perfectly symmetrical parts? A touch probe is often behind this precision.

What is a CNC tool setter?

A CNC tool setter is essentially a device used to measure the dimensions of cutting tools before they make contact with the workpiece. This might sound simple, but it’s crucial for maintaining the accuracy and consistency of machining processes. By automatically measuring tool lengths and diameters, tool setters help in compensating for wear and breakage, thereby enhancing tool performance and part quality. Imagine reducing the guesswork in tool replacement and adjustment, leading to smoother operations and longer tool life. Isn’t it remarkable how a small change in the setup phase can lead to significant improvements in production?

How do CNC Tool Sensors contribute to manufacturing efficiency?

In the high-stakes environment of manufacturing, CNC Tool Sensors are the unsung heroes. By automating the tool setup and inspection processes, these devices drastically reduce downtime and manual labor, two of the most significant contributors to operational inefficiency. Think of a scenario where machine setups that once took hours can now be accomplished in minutes, all while maintaining, if not improving, the accuracy of operations. This not only speeds up production but also significantly reduces the potential for human error. Moreover, in reducing material waste and enhancing tool life, the savings in both time and resources can be monumental. Have you considered how leveraging technology can be a game-chancer in your manufacturing processes?


Tool Eye, Inc.

1825 W Grand St

Springfield MO 65802 US

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